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Urban and Environmental Studies

简  介:Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies provides a global forum for exchanging research findings and case understanding in the field of urban, environmental and sustainable development. It promotes the theoretical and analytical development within these areas of study in both China and international context, and offers new perspectives and policy proposals based on comparative research, study of international best-practice, and active discussion of cutting-edge issues within these areas of study. The journal is peer-reviewed and publishes high-quality research papers.

  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院
  • 主办单位:社会科学文献出版社
  • 创刊时间:2013
  • 出版周期:季刊
  • 地址:北京市西城区北三环中路甲29号院3号楼华龙大厦A座1202室
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN 2345-7481
  • 国内统一刊号:CN 10-1577/F
  • 单价
  • 总价

2023年 第4期

Aims and Scope (1-1)

Social Sciences Academic Press (CHINA) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2-2)

The Environmental Education of Adolescents: A Solution for Sanitation Problems in Ibadan Municipality Ayomide Oluwaseun ALALADE[1];Gbemiga Bolade FANIRAN[1];Oluwole Philip DARAMOLA[1];Oluwasegun Raphael ODUNLADE[2] (3-18)

Assessing Flood Vulnerability from Rapid Urban Growth: A Case of Central Java—Indonesia Retno Sari DEWI[1];Wiwandari HANDAYANI[1];Isnu Putra PRATAMA[2];Walter T. De VRIES[3,2];Iwan RUDIARTO[1];Artiningsih ARTININGSIH[1] (19-42)

The Structural Analysis of Driving Forces to Adaptive Capacity with Climate Change in Iranian Cities (Ahvaz City in Focus) Mostafa MOHAMMADI DEHCHESHMEH[1];Sohrab GHAEDI[1];Fereshteh SHANBEHPOUR[1] (43-68)

A Framework for Assessment of Water Poverty in Iran Maryam SERESHTI[1];Mojtaba VALIBEIGI[2];Neda SAFARI[3] (69-96)

Identification of Urban Worn-Out Textures and Prioritization of Organizing Strategies through Remote Sensing Performance and BWM Method Combination: (A Case Study: Zanjan City) Mohsen AHADNEJAD REVESHTY[1];Mohammad Taghi HEYDARI[1];Mohammad RASOOLI[1] (97-124)

Just Transition in Response to Climate Change: A Case Study of Trans-Altitude Migrant Resettlement on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau HUANG Jihui[1];JIANG Wei[2];CAO Dongdong[3];ZHAN Yige[4] (125-143)

Author Index Volume 11 (144-147)

Guidelines for Contributors (148-150)

Chinese Evaluation Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (151-152)