AND代表"并且";OR代表"或者";NOT代表"不包含" (注意必须大写,运算符两边需空一格)
范例一:( IKTE=图书馆学 OR IKST=情报学) AND IKCR=范并思
范例二:IKTS=计算机应用与软件 AND (IKST=C++ OR IKST=Basic) NOT IKIS=西华师范大学
Procedia Manufacturing
Geoenvironmental Disasters
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics
Horticultural Plant Journal
Solid Earth Sciences
IFAC PapersOnLine
MATEC Web of Conferences
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
International Journal of Geo-Engineering
Geoscience Letters
Journal for Labour Market Research
Operations Research Perspectives
Geoscience Frontiers
Environmental Systems Research
Decision Analytics
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
Health Professions Education
Technology, Innovation and Education