Environmental Systems Research
Environmental Systems Research
- 主办单位:Springer
- 创刊时间:2012
Spatiotemporal analysis of droughts characteristics and drivers in the Omo-Gibe River basin, Ethiopia
Fikru Abiko Anose;Kassahun Ture Beketie;Tadesse Terefe Zeleke;Desalegn Yayeh Ayal;Guddina Legese Feysa
Climate trend analysis for a semi-arid Borana zone in southern Ethiopia during 1981–2018
Mitiku Adisu Worku;Gudina Legese Feyisa;Kassahun Ture Beketie
MaxEnt-based modeling of suitable habitat for rehabilitation of Podocarpus forest at landscape-scale
Birhane Gebrehiwot Tesfamariam;Berhan Gessesse;Farid Melgani
Maize yield forecast using GIS and remote sensing in Kaffa Zone, South West Ethiopia
Dereje Biru Debalke;Jemal Tefera Abebe
Estimation of above-ground biomass in tropical afro-montane forest using Sentinel-2 derived indices
Seid Muhe;Mekuria Argaw
Meteorological drought monitoring across the main river basins of Ethiopia using satellite rainfall product
Estifanos Lemma;Shruti Upadhyaya;Raaj Ramsankaran
Investigating the fate of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycle compounds in spilled oils with a microcosm weathering experiment
Taylor Filewood;Honoria Kwok;Pamela Brunswick;Jeffrey Yan;Jessica E. Ollinik
Mapping groundwater nitrate contaminant risk using the modified DRASTIC model: a case study in Ethiopia
Samuel B. Alamne;Tewodros T. Assefa;Sisay A. Belay;Misbah A. Hussein
Correction to: Spatiotemporal analysis of droughts characteristics and drivers in the Omo-Gibe River basin, Ethiopia
Fikru Abiko Anose;Kassahun Ture Beketie;Tadesse Terefe Zeleke;Desalegn Yayeh Ayal;Gudina Legese Feyisa
Application of DPSIR model to identify the drivers and impacts of land use and land cover changes and climate change on land, water, and livelihoods in the L. Kyoga basin: implications for sustainable management
John Peter Obubu;Robinson Odong;Tena Alamerew;Tadesse Fetahi;Seyoum Mengistou
Climate variability and trends in the Endorheic Lake Hayk basin: implications for Lake Hayk water level changes in the lake basin, Ethiopia
Mezgebu Mewded;Adane Abebe;Seifu Tilahun;Zeleke Agide
Increasing the publicness of riversides as public space development on Kebena River, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Abebe Getachew;Kalkidan Asnake;Hayal Desta
Public expenditure for water facility and road transport infrastructure in Ethiopia: a comparison of impacts using an economy-wide model
Abdulaziz Abdulsemed Mosa
Appraisal of lead (Pb) contamination and potential exposure risk associated with agricultural soils and some cultivated plants in gold mines
Aminu Darma;Sani Ibrahim;Ali Sani;Peiman Zandi;Jianjun Yang
Heavy Metals in Commonly Consumed Root and Leafy Vegetables in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, and Assessment of Associated Public Health Risks
Romana Sultana;Rahamat Ullah Tanvir;Kazi Albab Hussain;Afrose Sultana Chamon;Md. Nadiruzzaman Mondol
Evaluation of the root system of Vetiver grass ( Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Roberty) using different sampling methods
Francisco Sandro Rodrigues Hol;Luiz Diego Vidal Santos;Alceu Pedrotti;Renisson Neponuceno de Araújo ;Lucas Resmini Sartor
Analysis of water–energy–crop nexus indicators in irrigated sugarcane of Awash Basin, Ethiopia
Yusuf Kedir;Belete Berhanu;Tena Alamirew
Bivariate hydrologic risk analysis for the Xiangxi River in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China
Y. R. Fan
Correction to: Exploiting temporal-spatial patterns of informal settlements using GIS and remote sensing technique: a case study of Jimma city, Southwestern Ethiopia
Misgana Secho Abebe;Kiros Tsegay Deribew;Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda
Land use land cover change in and around Chebera Churchura National Park, Southwestern Ethiopia: implications for management effectiveness
Temesgen Yadeta;Zewdu Kelkay Tessema;Fanuel Kebede;Girma Mengesha;Addisu Asefa
Effects of compost on onion quality, yield, and thrips infestation
Allan T. Showler
Analysis of temperature variability utilising Mann–Kendall and Sen's slope estimator tests in the Accra and Kumasi Metropolises in Ghana
Bernard Fosu Frimpong;Addo Koranteng;Frank Molkenthin
Rural household perception and adaptation strategies to climate change and variability: in the case of Libo-kemkem Woreda, Ethiopia
Tesfa Tilahun Megabia;Zerihun Yohannes Amare;Abraham M. Asmare
Synthesis of eco-friendly ZnO-based heterophotocatalysts with enhanced properties under visible light in the degradation of organic pollutants
Jean Bedel Batchamen Mougnol;Frans Waanders;Seteno Karabo Obed Ntwampe;Elvis Fosso-Kankeu;Ali Rashed Al Alili
Spatio-temporal variability and trends of hydroclimatic variables at Zarima Sub-Basin North Western Ethiopia
Meaza Kassahun Zegeye;Kassahun Ture Bekitie;Dessie Nedaw Hailu
The impact of rainfall variability and crop production on vertisols in the central highlands of Ethiopia
Hailu Regassa Bedane;Kassahun Ture Beketie;Eyasu Elias Fantahun;Gudina Legese Feyisa;Fikre Abiko Anose