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Environmental Systems Research

Environmental Systems Research

Environmental Systems Research

  • 主办单位:Springer
  • 创刊时间:2012


Spatiotemporal analysis of droughts characteristics and drivers in the Omo-Gibe River basin, Ethiopia Fikru Abiko Anose;Kassahun Ture Beketie;Tadesse Terefe Zeleke;Desalegn Yayeh Ayal;Guddina Legese Feysa (1-17)

Climate trend analysis for a semi-arid Borana zone in southern Ethiopia during 1981–2018 Mitiku Adisu Worku;Gudina Legese Feyisa;Kassahun Ture Beketie (1-20)

MaxEnt-based modeling of suitable habitat for rehabilitation of Podocarpus forest at landscape-scale Birhane Gebrehiwot Tesfamariam;Berhan Gessesse;Farid Melgani (1-12)

Maize yield forecast using GIS and remote sensing in Kaffa Zone, South West Ethiopia Dereje Biru Debalke;Jemal Tefera Abebe (1-16)

Estimation of above-ground biomass in tropical afro-montane forest using Sentinel-2 derived indices Seid Muhe;Mekuria Argaw (1-22)

Meteorological drought monitoring across the main river basins of Ethiopia using satellite rainfall product Estifanos Lemma;Shruti Upadhyaya;Raaj Ramsankaran (1-15)

Investigating the fate of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycle compounds in spilled oils with a microcosm weathering experiment Taylor Filewood;Honoria Kwok;Pamela Brunswick;Jeffrey Yan;Jessica E. Ollinik (1-11)

Mapping groundwater nitrate contaminant risk using the modified DRASTIC model: a case study in Ethiopia Samuel B. Alamne;Tewodros T. Assefa;Sisay A. Belay;Misbah A. Hussein (1-16)

Correction to: Spatiotemporal analysis of droughts characteristics and drivers in the Omo-Gibe River basin, Ethiopia Fikru Abiko Anose;Kassahun Ture Beketie;Tadesse Terefe Zeleke;Desalegn Yayeh Ayal;Gudina Legese Feyisa (1-1)

Application of DPSIR model to identify the drivers and impacts of land use and land cover changes and climate change on land, water, and livelihoods in the L. Kyoga basin: implications for sustainable management John Peter Obubu;Robinson Odong;Tena Alamerew;Tadesse Fetahi;Seyoum Mengistou (1-21)

Climate variability and trends in the Endorheic Lake Hayk basin: implications for Lake Hayk water level changes in the lake basin, Ethiopia Mezgebu Mewded;Adane Abebe;Seifu Tilahun;Zeleke Agide (1-17)

Increasing the publicness of riversides as public space development on Kebena River, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Abebe Getachew;Kalkidan Asnake;Hayal Desta (1-14)

Public expenditure for water facility and road transport infrastructure in Ethiopia: a comparison of impacts using an economy-wide model Abdulaziz Abdulsemed Mosa (1-11)

Appraisal of lead (Pb) contamination and potential exposure risk associated with agricultural soils and some cultivated plants in gold mines Aminu Darma;Sani Ibrahim;Ali Sani;Peiman Zandi;Jianjun Yang (1-12)

Heavy Metals in Commonly Consumed Root and Leafy Vegetables in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, and Assessment of Associated Public Health Risks Romana Sultana;Rahamat Ullah Tanvir;Kazi Albab Hussain;Afrose Sultana Chamon;Md. Nadiruzzaman Mondol (1-12)

Evaluation of the root system of Vetiver grass ( Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Roberty) using different sampling methods Francisco Sandro Rodrigues Hol;Luiz Diego Vidal Santos;Alceu Pedrotti;Renisson Neponuceno de Araújo ;Lucas Resmini Sartor (1-15)

Analysis of water–energy–crop nexus indicators in irrigated sugarcane of Awash Basin, Ethiopia Yusuf Kedir;Belete Berhanu;Tena Alamirew (1-19)

Bivariate hydrologic risk analysis for the Xiangxi River in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China Y. R. Fan (1-22)

Correction to: Exploiting temporal-spatial patterns of informal settlements using GIS and remote sensing technique: a case study of Jimma city, Southwestern Ethiopia Misgana Secho Abebe;Kiros Tsegay Deribew;Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda (1-1)

Land use land cover change in and around Chebera Churchura National Park, Southwestern Ethiopia: implications for management effectiveness Temesgen Yadeta;Zewdu Kelkay Tessema;Fanuel Kebede;Girma Mengesha;Addisu Asefa (1-15)

Effects of compost on onion quality, yield, and thrips infestation Allan T. Showler (1-14)

Analysis of temperature variability utilising Mann–Kendall and Sen's slope estimator tests in the Accra and Kumasi Metropolises in Ghana Bernard Fosu Frimpong;Addo Koranteng;Frank Molkenthin (1-13)

Rural household perception and adaptation strategies to climate change and variability: in the case of Libo-kemkem Woreda, Ethiopia Tesfa Tilahun Megabia;Zerihun Yohannes Amare;Abraham M. Asmare (1-10)

Synthesis of eco-friendly ZnO-based heterophotocatalysts with enhanced properties under visible light in the degradation of organic pollutants Jean Bedel Batchamen Mougnol;Frans Waanders;Seteno Karabo Obed Ntwampe;Elvis Fosso-Kankeu;Ali Rashed Al Alili (1-16)

Spatio-temporal variability and trends of hydroclimatic variables at Zarima Sub-Basin North Western Ethiopia Meaza Kassahun Zegeye;Kassahun Ture Bekitie;Dessie Nedaw Hailu (1-21)

The impact of rainfall variability and crop production on vertisols in the central highlands of Ethiopia Hailu Regassa Bedane;Kassahun Ture Beketie;Eyasu Elias Fantahun;Gudina Legese Feyisa;Fikre Abiko Anose (1-19)