International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
- 主办单位:Springer
- 国际标准刊号:ISSN 2095-0055
Simulation-Based and Risk-Informed Assessment of the Effectiveness of Tsunami Evacuation Routes Using Agent-Based Modeling: A Case Study of Seaside, Oregon
Zhenqiang Wang;Gaofeng Jia
Development of a Method for Assessing Country-Based Flood Risk at the Global Scale
Yoshiyuki Imamura
When It Strikes, Are We Ready? Lessons Identified at the 7th Planetary Defense Conference in Preparing for a Near-Earth Object Impact Scenario
Shirish Ravan;Romana Kofler;Tom De Groeve;Lara Mani;Einar Bjorgo等
Attentiveness to Early Warning Drought Information: Implications for Policy Support and Climate Risk Reduction in Ghana
Peter Dok Tindan;Divine Odame Appiah;Alexander Yao Segbefia
Challenges Associated with Creeping Disasters in Disaster Risk Science and Practice: Considering Disaster Onset Dynamics
Reidar Staupe-Delgado;Olivier Rubin
Enhancing Coordination for Effective Management of Oil Spill Pollution in South Africa
Phindile Tiyiselani Zanele Sab;Dewald van Niekerk;Livhuwani David Nemakonde
(In)visibilities About the Vulnerabilities of People with Visual Impairments to Disasters and Climate Change: A Case Study in Cuiabá, Brazil
Giselly Gomes;Victor Marchezini;Michèle Sato
A Probabilistic Approach to the Evaluation of Seismic Resilience in Road Asset Management
Vittorio Nicolosi;Maria Augeri;Mauro D’Apuzzo;Azzurra Evangelisti;Daniela Santilli
Optimized Hot Spot and Directional Distribution Analyses Characterize the Spatiotemporal Variation of Large Wildfires in Washington, USA, 1970−2020
Kevin Zerbe;Chris Polit;Stacey McClain;Tim Cook
Effects of Risk Perception on Disaster Preparedness Toward Typhoons: An Application of the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior
Sai Leung Ng
Examining the Factors that Influence the Use of Social Media for Disaster Management by Underserved Communities
Thiagarajan Ramakrishnan;Louis Ngamassi;Shahedur Rahman
Experimental Evidence for Coverage Preferences in Flood Insurance
J. Connor Darlington;Niko Yiannakoulias
A Building Classification System for Multi-hazard Risk Assessment
Vitor Silva;Svetlana Brzev;Charles Scawthorn;Catalina Yepes;Jamal Dabbeek等
Dealing with Multisource Information for Estuarine Flood Risk Appraisal in Two Western European Coastal Areas
Ana Rodrigues Rilo;Alexandre Manuel de Oliveira S;Paula Maria dos Santos Freire;José Luis Zêzere
Resilience in Agriculture: Communication and Energy Infrastructure Dependencies of German Farmers
Franz Kuntke;Sebastian Linsner;Enno Steinbrink;Jonas Franken;Christian Reuter
How Participatory is Participatory Flood Risk Mapping? Voices from the Flood Prone Dharavi Slum in Mumbai
Subhajyoti Samaddar;Ha Si;Xinyu Jiang;Junho Choi;Hirokazu Tatano
Carbon Emission Risk and Governance
Lu Jiang;Xiaokang Hu;Gangfeng Zhang;Yanqiang Chen;Honglin Zhong等
Insights on Chemical and Natech Risk Management in Japan and South Korea: A Review of Current Practices
Hyejeong Park;Ana Maria Cruz
Measuring Resilience in the Assumed City
Wesley Cheek;Ksenia Chmutina
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Iranian Oil and Gas Industry Planning: A Survey of Business Continuity Challenges
Seyyed Abdollah Razavi;Ali Asgary;Marjan Khaleghi
Rapid Evaluation and Response to Impacts on Critical End-Use Loads Following Natural Hazard-Driven Power Outages: A Modular and Responsive Geospatial Technology
Patrick D. Royer;Wei Du;Kevin Schneider
Multistate Models for the Recovery Process in the Covid-19 Context: An Empirical Study of Chinese Enterprises
Lijiao Yang;Yu Chen;Xinyu Jiang;Hirokazu Tatano
Appetite for Natech Risk Information in Japan: Understanding Citizens’ Communicative Behavior Towards Risk Information Disclosure Around Osaka Bay
Dimitrios Tzioutzios;Jeong-Nam Kim;Ana Maria Cruz
Simulation Performance Evaluation and Uncertainty Analysis on a Coupled Inundation Model Combining SWMM and WCA2D
Zhaoyang Zeng;Zhaoli Wang;Chengguang Lai
A Proposed Methodological Approach for Considering Community Resilience in Technology Development and Disaster Management Pilot Testing
Ioannis Benekos;Evangelos Bekiaris;Katarzyna Wodniak;Waleed Serhan;Łukasz Sułkowski
On Effective Campus Attack Response: Insights from Agent-Based Simulation for Improving Emergency Information Sharing System Design and Response Strategy
Steven Beattie;Jing Yang Sunny Xi;Wai Kin Victor Chan
Disaster Risk Resilience: Conceptual Evolution, Key Issues, and Opportunities
Marie-Hélène Graveline;Daniel Germain
Extreme Wind Variability and Wind Map Development in Western Java, Indonesia
Muhammad Rais Abdillah;Prasanti Widyasih Sarli;Hafidz Rizky Firmansyah;Anjar Dimara Sakti;Faiz Rohman Fajary
Correction to: A Proposed Methodological Approach for Considering Community Resilience in Technology Development and Disaster Management Pilot Testing
Ioannis Benekos;Evangelos Bekiaris;Katarzyna Wodniak;Waleed Serhan;Łukasz Sułkowski
Using Multidisciplinary Analysis to Develop Adaptation Options against Extreme Coastal Floods
Xinmeng Shan;Jun Wang;Jiahong Wen;Hengzhi Hu;Lei Wang
Organizational Changes Needed in Disasters and Public Health Emergencies: A Qualitative Study among Managers at a Major Hospital
Ingela Wennman;Catharina Jacobson;Eric Carlström;Anders Hyltander;Amir Khorram-Manesh
Impact of Crisis Communication Strategies on People’s Attitudes toward Behavioral Guidelines Regarding COVID-19 and on Their Trust in Local Officials
Gerrit Hirschfeld;Meinald T. Thielsch
Disaster Journalism in Print Media: Analysis of the Top 10 Hydrogeomorphological Disaster Events in Portugal, 1865–2015
Michele Nacif Antunes;Susana da Silva Pereira;José Luis Zêzere;Adauto Emmerich Oliveira
The Influence of Knowledge, Trust, and Perceived Risk on Firefighters’ Preparedness and Willingness to Respond to Nuclear Emergencies: The Case of South Korea
Jongan Choi;Sangkyu Lee;HaeYoun Choi
Status and Social Capital: A Cross-Sectional Quantitative Investigation of Flood Survivors in South Punjab, Pakistan
Muhammad Siddique Akbar;Muhammad Rizwan Safdar;Farhan Navid Yousaf;Daniel P. Aldrich
Impact of Tropical Cyclone Avoidance on Fishing Vessel Activity over Coastal China Based on Automatic Identification System Data during 2013–2018
Weihua Fang;Cunmin Guo;Yinan Han;Rongfa Qing
Amplification of Flood Risks by the Compound Effects of Precipitation and Storm Tides Under the Nonstationary Scenario in the Coastal City of Haikou, China
Hongshi Xu;Xi Zhang;Xinjian Guan;Tianye Wang;Chao Ma
Extreme Weather Loss and Damage Estimation Using a Hybrid Simulation Technique
Charles Doktycz;Mark Abkowitz;Hiba Baroud
Emergence and Development of Health Risk Communication Networks Among Street-Level Health Bureaucrats During the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis in Myanmar
Thein Myomin;Seunghoo Lim
Territorial Resilience Through Visibility Analysis for Immediate Detection of Wildfires Integrating Fire Susceptibility, Geographical Features, and Optimization Methods
Stavros Sakellariou;George Sfoungaris;Olga Christopoulou
Quick Responses of Canadian Social Scientists to COVID-19: A Case Study of the 2020 Federal COVID-19-Specific Grant Recipients
Haorui Wu;Adele Mansour