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Procedia Manufacturing

Procedia Manufacturing

Procedia Manufacturing

  • 主办单位:Elsevier
  • 创刊时间:2015
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN 2351-9789


Evaluation of laser polishing as post-processing of Inconel 625 produced by Directed Energy Deposition Kandice S.B. Ribeiro;Fábio E. Mariani;Henrique T. Idogava;Gustavo C. da Silva;Zilda C. Silveira (368-374)

Comparing the performance of different extruders in the Robocasting of biopolymer-nanoparticle composites towards the fabrication of complex geometries of porous Tungsten Carbide J. Bentley Bevis;Shane Dunlavey;R. Martinez-Duarte (338-342)

Estimating Johnson-Cook Material Parameters using Neural Networks Nesar Ahmed Titu;Matt Baucum;Timothy No;Mitchell Trotsky;Jaydeep Karandikar (680-689)

Comparison of Early Stopping Neural Network and Random Forest for In-Situ Quality Prediction in Laser Based Additive Manufacturing Matthew Behnke;Shenghan Guo;Weihong “Grace” Guo (656-663)

A GPU-based Approach for Path Planning Optimization via Travel Length Reduction Michael Borish;Charles Wade (310-317)

A Kinematic Error Controller for Real-Time Kinematic Error Correction of Industrial Robots Mitchell R. Woodside;Joseph Fischer;Patrick Bazzoli;Douglas A. Bristow;Robert G. Landers (705-715)

Dry machining parameter optimization for γ-TiAl with a rhombic insert Ching-Tun Peng;Iqbal Shareef (162-173)

Contributions of scanning metrology uncertainty to milling force prediction Timothy No;Michael Gomez;Tony Schmitz (213-222)

Quality Can Improve as Productivity Increases: Machining as Proof Farhang Momeni;Jun Ni (299-309)

Design and development of spiral grooved grinding wheel and their influence on the performance of vertical surface grinding process R. Vignesh;N. Arunachalam (251-259)

Advanced Surface Analysis to Identify Media-Workpiece Contact Modes in a Vibratory Finishing Processes Aarush Sood;Brigid Mullany (155-161)

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Incremental Sheet Metal Forming: A Review Asmaa Harfoush;Karl R. Haapala;Ali Tabei (606-617)

Effect of Ultra-High Pulse Frequency on the resolution in the Electrochemical Deposition of Nickel Abishek Kamaraj;Natalie Reed;Murali Sundaram (59-63)

Efficient manufacturing processes and performance qualification via active learning: Application to a cylindrical plunge grinding platform Bhaskar Botcha;Ashif Sikandar Iquebal;Satish T.S. Bukkapatnam (716-725)

A Review of the Anomalies in Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Processes & Potential Solutions - Part Quality & Defects Michael Liu;Abhishek Kumar;Satish Bukkapatnam;Mathew Kuttolamadom (507-518)

A Bayesian Framework for Milling Stability Prediction and Reverse Parameter Identification Aaron Cornelius;Jaydeep Karandikar;Michael Gomez;Tony Schmitz (760-772)

Relaxation of residual stress in fused filament fabrication part with in-process laser heating Pu Han;Sihan Zhang;Alireza Tofangchi;Keng Hsu (466-471)

Data-driven Design of Customized Porous Lattice Sole Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing Yunlong Tang;Guoying Dong;Yi Xiong;Qiusen Wang (318-326)

Multi-Material Topology Optimization Using Variable Density Lattice Structures for Additive Manufacturing Vysakh Venugopal;Nathan Hertlein;Sam Anand (327-337)

Fabrication of drug-loaded ultrafine polymer fibers via solution blowing and their drug release kinetics Karl Schuchard;Abhay Joijode;Vincent P. Willard;Bruce Anderson;Pierre Grondin (128-135)

Monitoring and Diagnosis of Multistage Manufacturing Processes Using Hierarchical Bayesian Networks Partha Protim Mondal;Placid Matthew Ferreira;Shiv Gopal Kapoor;Patrick N Bless (32-43)

History of NAMRI and NAMRC (4-6)

A digital twin strategy for major failure detection in fused deposition modeling processes Christopher M. Henson;Nathan I. Decker;Qiang Huang (359-367)

An Implementation of OPC UA for Machine-to-Machine Communications in a Smart Factory Santhana Pandiyan Muniraj;Xun Xu (52-58)

Sharpening of the diamond tool edge by the Ar ion beam machine tool Takenori ONO (246-250)

Influence of the forming induced hardening on the wear behavior of aluminum gears within a metal-plastic material pairing and targeted adaption A. Rohrmoser;H. Hagenah;M. Merklein (189-196)

Characterisation of drilling-induced damage in GFRP Honeycomb Sandwich Composites using Acoustic Emission Rishikesan V;Bhagyesh Chaturvedi;Arunachalam N (664-672)

A Layer Image Auditing System Secured by Blockchain Jinwoo Song;Young Moon (585-593)

The affordably connected factory: A brief evaluation of sensors and hardware deployed in industrial applications Russell K. Waddell;Taylor W. Fry (741-747)

Wearable shear force-sensing for augmenting manual hose connections in an automotive assembly Suryanarayanan Gunasekar;Scott Kerner;Matthew Krugh;Laine Mears (782-789)

Machine Fault Diagnosis of Fused Filament Fabrication Process with Physics-Constrained Dictionary Learning Yanglong Lu;Yan Wang (726-734)

Hydroforming of Ti-6Al-4V Acetabular Cups K. Lalka;A. Dunn;H. Skrbis;N. Langmack;J. Budzinski (174-181)

Real-time Process Authentication for Additive Manufacturing Processes based on In-situ Video Analysis Abdullah Al Mamun;Chenang Liu;Chen Kan;Wenmeng Tian (697-704)

Manufacturing Plant Layout Improvement: Case study of a High-Temperature Heat Treatment Tooling Manufacturer in Northeast Indiana Behin Elahi (24-31)

Friction element riveting: a novel aluminum to aluminum joining process Tyler J. Grimm;Gowtham V. Parvathy;Laine Mears (99-106)

In-situ monitoring of Direct Energy Deposition via Structured Light System and its application in remanufacturing industry Xiao Zhang;Weijun Shen;Vignesh Suresh;Jakob Hamilton;Li-Hsin Yeh (64-71)

Estimation of cBN grinding wheel condition using image sensor Eddie Taewan Lee;Zhaoyan Fan;Burak Sencer (286-292)

An Overview of Scaffolds for Retinal Pigment Epithelium Research Hang Liu;Linzhi Jing;Jie Sun;Dejian Huang (492-499)

Optimizing the Expected Utility of Shape Distortion Compensation Strategies for Additive Manufacturing Nathan Decker;Qiang Huang (348-358)

The Effect of Cryogenic Cooling and Drill Bit on the Hole Quality when Drilling Magnesium-based Fiber Metal Laminates R. Bertolini;E. Savio;A. Ghiotti;S. Bruschi (118-127)

Preface Ihab Ragai;Robert X. Gao;Livan Fratini (1-3)

A novel melt pool mapping technique towards the online monitoring of Directed Energy Deposition operations Kandice S.B. Ribeiro;Henrique H.L. Núñez;Jason B. Jones;Peter Coates;Reginaldo T. Coelho (576-584)

Mechanism of epitaxial growth of silica nanowires reinforcing agent in porous SiC scaffold Ahmed El-Ghannam;Sujithra Chandrasekaran;Farjana Sultana (535-560)

Curved Layer Slicing based on Isothermal Surface Yujie Shan;Dongming Gan;Huachao Mao (484-491)

Predictive Modeling of Laser Shock Peening Induced Near-Surface Residual Stress in Alumina Sumair Sunny;Glenn Gleason;Karuna Sitaula;Arif Malik (80-91)

Application of image processing methods for the characterization of selected features and wear analysis in surface topography measurements Przemysław Podulka (136-147)

Experimental investigation into tool wear, cutting forces, and resulting surface finish during dry and flood coolant slot milling of Inconel 718 M. Gueli;J. Ma;N. Cococcetta;D. Pearl;M.P. Jahan (236-245)

Direct Droplet Writing – A Novel Droplet-punching Capillary-splitting 3D Printing Method for Highly Viscous Materials Yang Xu;Fangjie Qi;Xiangyun Gao;Yujie Shan;Yun Zhou (472-483)

Propagation of Johnson-Cook flow stress model uncertainty to milling force uncertainty using finite element analysis and time domain simulation Timothy No;Michael Gomez;Jaydeep Karandikar;Jarred Heigel;Ryan Copenhaver (223-235)

Effect of spreading of the melt pool on the deposition characteristics in laser directed energy deposition Chaitanya Vundru;Ramesh Singh;Wenyi Yan;Shyamprasad Karagadde (407-416)

Multi-Robot System for Automated Fluorescent Penetrant Indication Inspection with Deep Neural Nets John Karigiannis;Shaopeng Liu;Stephane Harel;Xiao Bian;Peihong Zhu (735-740)

Manufacturing of Stereolithography Enabled Soft Tools for Point of Care Micromixing and Sensing Chambers for Underwater Vehicles Edisson A. Naula;Biali Lima Rodríguez;Luis E. Garza-Castañon;J. Israel Martínez-López (443-449)

Hybrid Blockchain Architecture for Cloud Manufacturing-as-a-service (CMaaS) Platforms with Improved Data Storage and Transaction Efficiency Mahmud Hasan;Kemafor Ogan;Binil Starly (594-605)

Material extrusion 3D printing of carbon material reinforced PDMS matrix composites and their mechanical properties Chao Liu;Junjun Ding (450-455)

High-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging of directed energy deposition of titanium: effects of processing parameters on the formation of entrapped-gas pores Hui Wang;Benjamin Gould;Niranjan Parab;Cang Zhao;Aaron Greco (148-154)

Sustainability assessment of difficult-to-cut materials using rotary tools: a step towards sustainable machining environment Waleed Ahmed;Hussien Hegab;Atef Mohany;Hossam Kishawy (92-98)

A Study of Particle Size Metrics Using Non-Spherical Feedstock for Metal Additive Manufacturing Marcus Jackson;Aishwarya Deshpande;Aaron Kim;Frank Pfefferkorn (519-524)

Surface Morphology Analysis Using Convolutional Autoencoder in Additive Manufacturing with Laser Engineered Net Shaping Zhangyue Shi;Soumya Mandal;Sandip Harimkar;Chenang Liu (16-23)

Assessing laser powder bed fusion system geometric errors through artifact-based methods J. Berez;M. Praniewicz;C. Saldana (395-406)

Statistical Analysis of Porosity and Process Parameter Relationships in Metal Additive Manufacturing S. Ball;M. Ghayoor;S. Pasebani;A. Tabei (343-347)

Power spectral analysis of surface microtopography formed in CW Laser surface texturing Nakul D Ghate;Amber Shrivastava (197-203)

Quality 4.0 — Green, Black and Master Black Belt Curricula Carlos A. Escobar;Debejyo Chakraborty;Megan McGovern;Daniela Macias;Ruben Morales-Menendez (748-759)

Modeling and optimization of process parameters in face milling of Ti6Al4V alloy using Taguchi and grey relational analysis Al Mazedur Rahman;S M Abdur Rob;Anil K. Srivastava (204-212)

Random forest regression for predicting an anomalous condition on a UR10 cobot end-effector from purposeful failure data Ethan Wescoat;Matthew Krugh;Laine Mears (644-655)

In-situ Droplet Monitoring of Inkjet 3D Printing Process using Image Analysis and Machine Learning Models Michael Ogunsanya;Joan Isichei;Santosh Kumar Parupelli;Salil Desai;Yi Cai (427-434)

WEAR MECHANISMS OF DIAMOND-LIKE CARBON COATED TOOLS IN TAPPING OF AA6351 T6 ALUMINIUM ALLOY Gustavo H.N. Fernandes;Guilherme H.F. Lopes;Lucas M.Q. Barbosa;Paulo S. Martins;Álisson R. Machado (293-298)

Image Processing-based Method for Automatic Design of Patient-Specific Cranial Implant for Additive Manufacturing Vysakh Venugopal;Omkar Ghalsasi;Matthew McConaha;Alice Xu;Jonathan Forbes (375-386)

In-Situ Print Characterization and Defect Monitoring of 3D Printing via Conductive Filament and Ohm’s Law Helen Parker;Sean Psulkowski;Phong Tran;Tarik Dickens (417-426)

Micromilling-induced Surface Integrity of Porous Additive Manufactured Ti6Al4V Alloy Vinay Varghese;Soham Mujumdar (387-394)

Characterization of aluminum flow during friction element welding Tyler J. Grimm;Ankit Varma;Amit B. Deshpande;Laine Mears;Xin Zhao (107-117)

Influence of a local short-term heat treatment on the formability of orbital formed functional components Andreas Hetzel;Marion Merklein;Michael Lechner (72-79)

Teaching Manufacturing Processes from an Innovation Perspective Brian K. Paul;Laine Mears;Albert Shih (814-824)

Filling Friction Stir Welding In-Process Exit Holes in Copper Squirrel Cage Rotors for Electric Motors John S. Agapiou (802-813)

Applying Task-Oriented Safety Field Calibration in Human Robot Collaborative Systems Cheng Zhu;Tian Yu;Qing Chang (673-679)

Novel riser designs via 3D sand printing to improve casting performance Md Moinuddin Shuvo;Guha Manogharan (500-506)

Surface extraction from micro-computed tomography data for additive manufacturing Weijun Shen;Xiao Zhang;Xuepeng Jiang;Li-Hsin Yeh;Zhan Zhang (568-575)

Hatch Pattern Optimization of Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Process for Minimizing Flatness error Lun Li;Sam Anand (456-465)

Non-destructive quality monitoring of 3D printed tissue scaffolds via dielectric impedance spectroscopy and supervised machine learning Shohanuzzaman Shohan;Jordan Harm;Mahmud Hasan;Binil Starly;Rohan Shirwaiker (636-643)

Data-Enabled Real-Time Modeling for Production Systems with Variable Cycle Time Chen Li;Jing Huang;Qing Chang (561-567)

An evolutionary neural network approach to machining process planning: A proof of concept Niechen Chen (690-696)

Modeling in-process machining data using spatial point cloud vs. time series data structures Mohammed S. Shafae;Lee J. Wells;Jaime A. Camelio (44-51)

Fabrication of Micro-channels on Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) Plates by Thermal Softening Process Using Nichrome Wire: Tool Design and Surface Property Evaluation T. Aravind;S. Boominathasellarajan;N. Arunachalam (182-188)

IIoT based Augmented Reality for Factory Data Collection and Visualization Jonathan Rosales;Sourabh Deshpande;Sam Anand (618-627)

Evaluation of the tool wear in the turning process of INCONEL 718 using PCD tools Leonardo Rosa Ribeiro da Silva;Felipe dos Anjos Rodrigues Cam;Wisley Falco Sales;Alisson Rocha Machado (276-285)

Pervasive environmental sensing for Industry 4.0 as an educational tool Matthew Krugh;Laine Mears (790-801)

Integrated method of generalized demodulation and artificial neural network for robust bearing fault recognition Dongdong Liu;Weidong Cheng;Jianjing Zhang;Robert X. Gao;Weigang Wen (628-635)

Balancing trade-offs in one-stage production with processing time uncertainty Wei Li;Barrie R. Nault;Jingjing You;Briscoe Bilderback (8-15)

Novel Fatigue Tester for Additively Manufactured Metals Shyam-Sundar Balasubramanian;Chris Philpott;James Hyder;Mike Corliss;Bruce Tai (525-534)

Teaching Manufacturing Processes Using a Flipped Classroom Model A. John Hart;Dawn Wendell;John Liu;John Lewandowski;Miguel Funes-Lora (773-781)

A Novel Iterative-Based Field Search Technique for Roundness Evaluation Deep Singh;N. Arunachalam;D.S. Srinivasu (268-275)

Effect of ultrasonic vibration on the performance of deep hole drilling process J. Rajaguru;N. Arunachalam (260-267)

NAMRC 49 Fast-Tracked Research Papers to Journal of Manufacturing Systems and Journal of Manufacturing Processes Ihab Ragai;Robert X. Gao;Livan Fratini (7-7)

Comparison of microstructure and properties of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy from selective laser melting and directed energy deposition processes Roman Savinov;Yachao Wang;Jin Wang;Jing Shi (435-442)

Cobot attack: a security assessment exemplified by a specific collaborative robot Siegfried Hollerer;Clara Fischer;Bernhard Brenner;Maximilian Papa;Sebastian Schlund (191-196)

The use of online business models Roland Schmuck (45-51)

Cost engineering in practice – Empirical investigation of cost calculation tools Manuel Lutz;Frank Bodendorf;Niklas Stepanek;Jörg Franke (13-18)

Design and simulation of a flexible manufacturing system for manufacturing operations of railcar subassemblies Ilesanmi Daniyan;Khumbulani Mpofu;Boitumelo Ramatsetse;Emanuel Zeferino;Giovani Monzambe (112-117)

Multi-modal interfaces for natural Human-Robot Interaction Dionisis Andronas;George Apostolopoulos;Nikos Fourtakas;Sotiris Makris (197-202)

Automated identification of circular value chains and synergies Luca Gentilini;Carlo Polidori;Matteo Fervorari;Marcello Colledani (76-81)

Method for quantifying the value of information for production control in cross-company value-adding networks Alexander Zipfel;Daniel Herdeg;Philipp Theumer (1-6)

Developing a maturity-based workflow for the implementation of ML-applications using the example of a demand forecast Felix Schreckenberg;Nikolas Ulrich Moroff (31-38)

Towards the implementation of the Digital Twin in CMM inspection process: opportunities, challenges and proposals Raoudha Gaha;Alexandre Durupt;Benoit Eynard (216-221)

Adaptive AGV fleet management in a dynamically changing production environment Júlia Bergmann;Dávid Gyulai;József Váncza (148-153)

A simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm for sensors with low sampling rate and its application to autonomous mobile robots Krisztián Balázs Kis;János Csempesz;Balázs Csanád Csáji (154-159)

A slag prediction model in an electric arc furnace process for special steel production Maialen Murua;Fernando Boto;Eva Anglada;Jose Mari Cabero;Leixuri Fernandez (178-183)

Digitalization as an enabler of the Circular Economy of electronics Laura Talens Peiró;Francesco Baiguera;Andrea Maci;Marco Olivieri;Paola Villa (58-63)

Digital Manufacturing in SMEs based on the context of the Industry 4.0 framework – one approach Vidosav Majstorovic;Goran Jankovic;Srdjan Zivkov;Slavenko Stojadinovic (52-57)

Thermal behavior determination for wire arc additive manufacturing process Ahmet Suat Yildiz;Barış Koc;Oguzhan Yilmaz (233-237)

A scalable cost modelling architecture for evaluating the production cost-effectiveness of novel joining techniques for aircraft structures Christopher Tierney;Colm Higgins;Damian Quinn;Jeroen De Backer;Chris Allen (7-12)

Digital twin technology - external data resources in creating the model and classification of different digital twin types in manufacturing Csaba Ruzsa (209-215)

Production rescheduling through product quality prediction Maik Frye;Dávid Gyulai;Júlia Bergmann;Robert H. Schmitt (142-147)

Gap volume prediction for aircraft wing assembly Ye Yang;Yan Jin;Mark Price;Gasser Abdelal;Paul Maropoulos (227-232)

Detection of exact and near duplicates in phased-array ultrasound weld scan Etienne Provencal;Luc Laperrière (263-268)

Design and development of an IoT enabled platform for remote monitoring and predictive maintenance of industrial equipment Dimitris Mourtzis;John Angelopoulos;Nikos Panopoulos (166-171)

Design and additive manufacturing of a fatigue-critical aerospace part using topology optimization and L-PBF process Akin Dagkolu;Istemihan Gokdag;Oguzhan Yilmaz (238-243)

The influence of 3D printing process parameters on the mechanical performance of PLA polymer and its correlation with hardness Muammel M. Hanon;József Dobos;László Zsidai (244-249)

Analysis of an assembly line by mixed integer programming and discrete event-based simulation Norbert Ibriksz;Tibor Szalay;Lajos Kutrovácz;Ferenc Boór (100-105)

Industry 4.0 readiness in manufacturing: Company Compass 2.0, a renewed framework and solution for Industry 4.0 maturity assessment Gábor Nick;Tibor Kovács;Andrea Kő;Botond Kádár (39-44)

An accurate tool wear prediction method under different cutting conditions based on network architecture search Jianmin Wang;Yingguang Li;Jiaqi Hua;Changqing Liu;Xiaozhong Hao (274-278)

Modelling sources of operational noise in production systems Mohamed Afy-Shararah;John Patsavellas;Konstantinos Salonitis (95-99)

An approach to airline MRO operators planning and scheduling during aircraft line maintenance checks using discrete event simulation Salah Albakkoush;Emanuele Pagone;Konstantinos Salonitis (160-165)

Drilling of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites: Difficulties, challenges and expectations Norbert Geier;Jinyang Xu;Csongor Pereszlai;Dániel István Poór;J. Paulo Davim (284-289)

Application of the STRAY statistical learning algorithm for the evaluation of in-situ process monitoring data during L-PBF additive manufacturing. Aoife C. Doyle;Darragh S. Egan;Caitríona M. Ryan;Andrew C. Parnell;Denis P. Dowling (250-256)

Robustness evaluation of production plans using Monte Carlo simulation Susanne Franke;Felix Franke;Ralph Riedel (130-135)

Enhance of OEE by hybrid analysis at the automotive semi-automatic assembly lines Péter Dobra;János Jósvai (184-190)

Work in Progress Level Prediction with Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Viola Gallina;Lukas Lingitz;Johannes Breitschopf;Elisabeth Zudor;Wilfried Sihn (136-141)

Transformation of traditional assembly lines into interoperable CPPS for MES: an OPC UA enabled scenario N. Szántó;G. Pedone;G. Monek;B. Háy;J. Jósvai (118-123)

A novel machine tool concept: Robotic electrochemical machining Abdulkadir Cebi;Hasan Demirtas;Muhammed Turan Aslan;Oguzhan Yilmaz;Bahattin Kanber (203-208)

A two-step digitalization level assessment approach for manufacturing companies Günther Schuh;Thomas Scheuer;Gábor Nick;Ádám Szaller;Tamás Várgedő (25-30)

Global supply chain quality integration strategies and the case of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner development Roland Schmuck (88-94)

A two-stage decision support system for manufacturing processes integration in microfactories for electric vehicles P. Stavropoulos;A. Papacharalampopoulos;C. Michail;V. Vassilopoulos;K. Alexopoulos (106-111)

Suitability of Self-Organization for Different Types of Production Martin Krockert;Marvin Matthes;Torsten Munkelt (124-129)

Demand-supply matching through auctioning for the circular economy Ulf Bodin;Siddhant Dhanrajani;Abdelrahman H. Abdalla;Marco Diani;Felix Klenk (82-87)

Residual stresses field estimation based on deformation force data using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model Xiaoxue Hu;Yingguang Li;Zhiwei Zhao;Changqing Liu;Konstantinos Salonitis (279-283)

A digital platform for cross-sector collaborative value networks in the circular economy John Soldatos;Nikos Kefalakis;Angela-Maria Despotopoulou;Ulf Bodin;Andrea Musumeci (64-69)

Roughness prediction of laser cut edges by image processing and artificial neural networks Alberto Tomás García;Nikita Levichev;Vitalii Vorkov;Gonçalo Costa Rodrigues;Dirk Cattrysse (257-262)

Lean industry 4.0: a digital value stream approach to process improvement Daniel Arey;Chi Hieu Le;James Gao (19-24)

Enabling cross-sectorial, circular economy transition in SME via digital platform integrated operational services Gianfranco Pedone;Richárd Beregi;Krisztián Balázs Kis;Marcello Colledani (70-75)

A modified Weibull model for service life prediction and spare parts forecast in heat treatment industry Klaudia Kovacs;Fazel Ansari;Wilfried Sihn (172-177)

Requirements analysis for automating product testing in aerospace manufacturing Mohammed Elsouri;James Gao;Alister Wilson;Lancelot Martin;Robin Pyee (222-226)

Surface roughness prediction model of GH4169 superalloy abrasive belt grinding based on multilayer perceptron(MLP) Guijian Xiao;Jiazheng Xing;Youdong Zhang (269-273)

New Knowledge Management framework for manufacturing SMEs working in strictly regulated sectors Sam John Abraham (290-295)

Open source systems and 3D computer design applicable in the dental medical engineering Industry 4.0 – sustainable concept Beata Mrugalska;Tihomir Dovramadjiev;Diana Pavlova;Rusko Filchev;Mariana Stoeva (296-301)

The DigiPrime KPIs’ framework for a circular economy transition in the automotive industry Eleni Kanellou;Konstantinos Alexakis;Panagiotis Kapsalis;Panagiotis Kokkinakos;Dimitris Askounis (302-307)

The Impact of Logistics 4.0 on Performance in Manufacturing Companies: A Pilot Study Manuel Woschank;Patrick Dallasega (487-491)

Comparing software frameworks of Augmented Reality solutions for manufacturing Sri Sudha Vijay Keshav Kolla;Andre Sanchez;Peter Plapper (312-318)

Application and role of ergonomic innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises Aleksandra Dewicka-Olszewska (521-526)

Cognitive Human-Robot-Collaboration in Assembly: A Framework for Cognitive Interaction Planning and Subject Study Longfei Han;Simiao Yang;Quirin Tyroller (24-31)

Agents of innovation: Clusters in Industry 4.0 Mariza Tsakalerou;Saltanat Akhmadi (319-327)

Digital twin-driven decision support system for opportunistic preventive maintenance scheduling in manufacturing Anis Assad Neto;Bruna Sprea Carrijo;João Guilherme Romanzini Brock;Fernando Deschamps;Edson Pinheiro de Lima (439-446)

Process design and evaluation for the automation of interphase insulation for distributed windings Alexander Mahr;Maximilian Kneidl;Johannes Regler;Jörg Franke (226-231)

Mapping the microstructure evolution of nickel deformed by orthogonal cutting Luis Felipe Hernández Rivera;Sepideh Abolghasem;Fabio Arturo Rojas Mora (238-246)

Testing Platform of Chains and Sprockets for Conveyer System Designs Zhuming Bi;Bongsu Kang (96-101)

After sales service: key settings for improving profitability and customer satisfaction C.G.S. Rebelo;M.T. Pereira;J.F.G. Silva;L.P. Ferreira;J.C. Sá (463-470)

Innovation Propensity and Firm Size: Evidence from Manufacturing Saltanat Akhmadi;Mariza Tsakalerou (543-549)

An Auto-weighting FWI Fuzzy Collaborative Intelligence Approach for Forecasting DRAM Yield Toly Chen;Chi-Wei Lin;Yi-Chi Wang (102-109)

A simulation study of local powder bed gas shielding in Selective Laser Sintering / Melting machines Iason Sideris;George-Christopher Vosniakos (88-95)

A Framework of Dynamic Data Driven Digital Twin for Complex Engineering Products: the Example of Aircraft Engine Health Management Zhenhua Wu;Jianzhi Li (139-146)

Building Blocks for Blockchain Adoption in Digital Transformation of Sustainable Supply Chains Funlade T Sunmola;Patrick Burgess;Albert Tan (513-520)

Pick capacity model for cutting machine tools stored in a next generation Vertical Storage Machine Pieter Vanhauwermeiren;Marc Juwet;Eric Demeester (479-486)

Using Model Based Design as an Enabler for Digital Validation of Discrete State Machines in Regulated Manufacturing Environments D.J. McCarthy;E.P. Hinchy;N.P. O’Dowd;C.T. McCarthy;D. McMorrow (365-370)

UAVs for Industrial Applications: Identifying Challenges and Opportunities from the Implementation Point of View Dimitris Mourtzis;John Angelopoulos;Nikos Panopoulos (183-190)

Natural Language Processing for comprehensive service composition in cloud manufacturing systems Hamed Bouzary;F. Frank Chen;Mohammad Shahin (343-349)

Improving Lean Manufacturing Systems and Tools Engagement Through the Utilisation of Industry 4.0, Improved Communication and a People Recognition Methodology in a UK Engine Manufacturing Centre M.G. McKie;R. Jones;J. Miles;I.R. Jones (371-382)

Stable Allocation of Services in Public Cloud Manufacturing Platforms: A Game Theory View Jalal Delaram;Mahmoud Houshamnd;Farid Ashtiani;Omid Fatahi Valilai (306-311)

Panorama Image Based Code-Free Programming of Robotic Operations Alexander Viktor Pöschl;Markus Ikeda;Andreas Pichler (2-8)

Design of a Test Rig for Tuning and Optimization of High Dynamics Servo-Mechanisms Employed in Manufacturing Automation Mattia Belloni;Pietro Bilancia;Roberto Raffaeli;Margherita Peruzzini;Marcello Pellicciari (48-55)

Demand forecasting methods for spare parts logistics for aviation: a real-world implementation of the Bootstrap method M. Baisariyev;A. Bakytzhanuly;Y. Serik;B. Mukhanova;M.Z. Babai (500-506)

A decision-making framework for the design of local production networks under largescale disruptions Yousef Haddad;Konstantinos Salonitis;Christos Emmanouilidis (393-400)

Information Asymmetry in Product-Service System Design - Example of the Pharmaceutical Industry Mariusz Salwin;Michał Andrzejewski;Andrzej Kraslawski (282-289)

Development of a Morphological Box to Describe Worker Assistance Systems in Manufacturing Lennart Späker;Benedikt G. Mark;Erwin Rauch (168-175)

Inventory control models for spare parts in aviation logistics Z. Kenzhevayeva;A. Katayeva;K. Kaikenova;A. Sarsembayeva;M.Z. Babai (507-512)

Manufacturing Process Innovation Deployment Readiness from an Extended People, Process, and Technology Framework Viewpoint Funlade T. Sunmola;Alireza Javahernia (409-416)

Knowledge Based Accuracy Improvement in Programming by Demonstration of Point Based Processes Markus Ikeda;Naresh Chitturi;Markus Ganglbauer;Andreas Pichler (16-23)

Numerical validation of cohesive laws for adhesive layers with varying thickness in bonded structures R.P.R.O. Antunes;R.D.S.G. Campilho;F.J.G. Silva;A.L.N. Vieira (213-220)

A Human-Robot Interface for Industrial Robot Programming using RGB-D Sensor K. Arsenopoulos;P. Benardos (9-15)

Trends for Low-Cost and Open-Source IoT Solutions Development for Industry 4.0 Antti Martikkala;Joe David;Andrei Lobov;Minna Lanz;Iñigo Flores Ituarte (298-305)

A TOGAF-based Framework for the Development of Sustainable Product-Service Systems Kaio Vasconcelos de Oliveira;Ederson Carvalhar Fernandes;Milton Borsato (274-281)

Exploring the optimal condition-based maintenance policy under the gamma degradation process David Han (132-138)

A systematic approach for planning, analyzing and evaluating internal material provision Meike Herbert;Pascal Heinlein;Jens Fürst;Jörg Franke (447-454)

A method for cutting force estimation through joint current signals in robotic machining Panagiotis Stavropoulos;Harry Bikas;Thanassis Souflas;Mani Ghassempouri (124-131)

Evaluation of microstructural complex geometry of robot laser hardened materials through a genetic programming model M. Babič;G. Lesiuk;D. Marinkovic;M. Calì (253-259)

Identifying Challenges Related to Industry 4.0 in Five Manufacturing Companies Ramona Dogea;Roland Stolt (328-334)

Making Additively Manufactured Cores with Conformal Tooling Directly on a Die-base Roland Stolt;Milad Ashour Pour;Dimitrios Siafakas (200-204)

Worker assistance systems in the automotive prototype assembly – A case study Stephan Rupp;Rainer Müller (350-357)

Surface pretreatment for adhesive bonding by conventional methods and lasers: a comparative study on human and environmental safety Barbara Ciecińska (550-554)

Digital game-based examination for sensor placement in context of an Industry 4.0 lecture using the Unity 3D engine – a case study Julian Koch;Martin Gomse;Thorsten Schüppstuhl (563-570)

Positioning sustainable automation in production of customized products Kerstin Johansen;Milad Ashourpour;Sagar Rao (358-364)

Comparison of nominal and real 2D contours of manufactured products using Ant Colony Optimisation of shape landmarks Emmanuel Stathatos;George-Christopher Vosniakos (154-159)

Simulation and Control of a Cyber-Physical System under IEC 61499 Standard Adriano A. Santos;António Ferreira da Silva (72-79)

Quality Prediction of Continuous Ultrasonic Welded Seams of High-Performance Thermoplastic Composites by means of Artificial Intelligence D. Görick;L. Larsen;M. Engelschall;A. Schuster (116-123)

An OPC UA Model of the Skill Execution Interaction Protocol for the Active Asset Administration Shell Aleksandr Sidorenko;Magnus Volkmann;William Motsch;Achim Wagner;Martin Ruskowski (191-199)

Design of a thermoplastic micro over injection machine for the automotive component industry A.L.N. Vieira;R.D.S.G. Campilho;F.J.G. Silva;N.M.S. Faria;L.P. Ferreira (56-63)

Parametric and reinforcement learning control for degrading multi-stage systems Panagiotis D. Paraschos;Georgios K. Koulinas;Dimitrios E. Koulouriotis (401-408)

Bayesian inference for the simple step-stress accelerated life tests under order-restriction Crystal Wiedner;David Han (147-153)

Framework for implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Case Study O. Alaskari;R. Pinedo-Cuenca;M.M. Ahmad (424-430)

MUL 4.0: Systematic Digitalization of a Value Chain from Raw Material to Recycling Benjamin James Ralph;Manuel Woschank;Philipp Miklautsch;Alexander Kaiblinger;Corina Pacher (335-342)

The relevance of space analysis in warehouse management C.G.S. Rebelo;M.T. Pereira;F.J.G. Silva;L.P. Ferreira;J.C. Sá (471-478)

Assembly of film coverlays: development of a configurable gripper for process automation Marcello Valori;Vito Basile;Serena Ruggeri;Gianmauro Fontana;Simone Pio Negri (80-87)

Smart Material Delivery Unit for the Production Supplying Logistics of Aircraft Daniel Schoepflin;Julian Koch;Martin Gomse;Thorsten Schüppstuhl (455-462)

Decision Models for Supplier Selection in Industry 4.0 Era: A Systematic Literature Review Carlos H.L. Resende;Carla A.S. Geraldes;Francisco Rodrigues Lima (492-499)

Examination for post-sharpening adjustment of cutting edge of a worm gear hob with circle arched profile in axial section Zsuzsa Balajti;József Ábel;Illés Dudás (260-265)

Bayesian Inference-based Approach for Sustainable Product Design Risk Assessment Christian Enyoghasi;Fazleena Badurdeen (290-297)

Comparison of creasing and scoring in the manufacturing of folding cartons Ville Leminen;Arvo Niini;Panu Tanninen;Sami Matthews (221-225)

Electrical Energy Consumption Interface in Modular Skill-Based Production Systems with the Asset Administration Shell William Motsch;Aleksandr Sidorenko;Alexander David;Pascal Rübel;Achim Wagner (535-542)

Geometric Reasoning enabled One Shot Learning for Robotic Tasks Markus Ikeda;Markus Ganglbauer;Naresh Chitturi;Andreas Pichler (32-39)

A simulation driven development framework for parallel kinematics Lukas Bath;Thorsten Schüppstuhl (64-71)

QR code-based material flow monitoring in a subcontractor manufacturer network Jaakko Peltokorpi;Lauri Isojärvi;Kai Häkkinen;Esko Niemi (110-115)

Proposed solution to eliminate pitch fluctuation in case of conical screw surface machining by apex adjustment Zsuzsa Balajti;Zoltán Mándy (266-273)

Hybrid Environment Reconstruction Improving User Experience and Workload in Augmented Virtuality Teleoperation Andreas Blank;Emir Kosar;Engin Karlidag;Qiang Guo;Sebastian Kohn (40-47)

Evaluating the effects of inventory stockouts in the performance of production control systems Ana Sofia Fernandes;Célia Marina Oliveira;Hugo Miguel Costa;Joana Margarida Coelho;Leonilde Rocha Varela (417-423)

The Loop Gripper: A Soft Gripper for Honeycomb Materials Franziska Roth;Henrik Eschen;Thorsten Schüppstuhl (160-167)

Environment representation and path planning for unmanned aircraft in industrial indoor applications Markus Lieret;Matthias Kalenberg;Christian Hofmann;Jörg Franke (176-182)

Education and training of manufacturing and supply chain processes using business simulation games Roland Schmuck (555-562)

Stereolithography (SLA) utilised to print injection mould tooling in order to evaluate thermal and mechanical properties of commercial polypropylene Michael Hopkins;Suzan Gunbay;Conor Hayes;Vicente F. Moritz;Evert Fuenmayor (205-212)

Analysis of paperboard creasing properties with a novel device Panu Tanninen;Sami Matthews;Ville Leminen;Juha Varis (232-237)

A machine learning-based framework for data mining and optimization of a production system Georgios Koulinas;Panagiotis Paraschos;Dimitrios Koulouriotis (431-438)

Reconfiguration of assembly lines using Lean Thinking in an electronics components’ manufacturer for the automotive industry N.M. Bastos;A.C. Alves;F.X. Castro;J. Duarte;L.P. Ferreira (383-392)

Implementing Digitalised Lean Manufacturing Training in a UK Engine Manufacturing Centre During the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic of 2020 M.G. McKie;R. Jones;J. Miles;I.R. Jones (571-579)

Optimizing the metastability of high-strength ultrafine grained microstructure from large strain machining Sepideh Abolghasem;Luis Felipe Hernández Rivera;Shashank Shekhar (247-252)

Virtual training for assembly tasks: a framework for the analysis of the cognitive impact on operators Agnese Brunzini;Fabio Grandi;Margherita Peruzzini;Marcello Pellicciari (527-534)