Ecological Economy
简 介:本刊以关注生态、服务经济为宗旨,关注生态与经济的可持续发展,以构建人与自然的和谐社会为己任,探索与研究人与自然,生态、生态(绿色)经济与生态(绿色)产业,人口、资源与环境,经济与社会的可持续发展,区域经济,西部大开发与三农问题等相关领域的理论、方法及技术创新,主要刊登以上领域观点新颖、思想深刻,且具有前沿性研究的科研论文、学术论文、研究成果,以推动该学科的发展。
- 主管单位:Yunnan Publishing Corporation Group Co., Ltd
- 主办单位:Yunnan Education Publishing House Co., Ltd
- 创刊时间:2005
- 出版周期:季刊
- 地址:West Ring Rood 577#, Kunming City, Yunnan Province
- 国际标准刊号:ISSN 1673-0178
- 国内统一刊号:CN 53-1197/F
- 邮发代号:64-50
- 单价:
- 总价:
2024年 第4期
Guide to Authors OA
Decomposition and decoupling effect of energy eco-footprint based on global net primary productivity in urban agglomerations OA
HU Mian-hao[1];YUAN Ju-hong[2]
From livelihood strategies to green actions: A study on the relationship between farmers' environmental awareness and pro-environmental sustainable behaviors in the Huaibei Plain OA
GUAN Hai-bo[1,2];HAN Xin-sheng[1];SONG Ru-tao[1,2];ZHANG Li-qun[1];MEI Xiang[1];ZHANG Shang-jia[1,2];HAO Han-bing[1];YANG Zheng[1];YANG Xiao-man[1];LIU Ling-e[1,3]
Efficiency evaluation and optimizing implementation strategy of green renovation market in existing residential areas in China OA
GUO Han-ding[1,2];YANG Fan[3,2];QIN Guang-lei[3,2];ZHANG Yin-xian[3,2]
Policy text quantification of urban waste classification from the perspective of policy tools: Based on the analysis of 6 cities in Northwest China OA
FAN Xiao-cao[1]
Research on the cognitive process of building energy-saving reminder information: Review and prospects OA
MA Hui[1];XIN Yi-xuan[1]
New dimensions of values and practical aspects research in the form of eco-civilization under the guidance of Chinese path to modernization OA
LIANG Qing-Qing[1]